Libros que me han prestado: Witches Abroad por Terry Pratchett

por davidgp el 19/09/2007

Bien, mi pila de libros de mundodisco por leer sigue creciendo a pasos alarmentes, como siga así, el año que viene no leo otra cosa.

Witches Abroad - Terry Pratchett

De la contraportada

It seemed an easy job… After all, how difficult could it be to make sure that a server girl doesn’t marry a prince?

But for the witches Granny Weatherwas, Nanny Ogg and Magrat Garlick, travelling to the distant city of Genua, things are never simple…

Sevarnt girls have to marry the prince. That’s what life is all about. You can’t fight a Happy Ending.

At least-up until now…

«Terry Partchett is simply the best humorous writer of the 20th Century» Brndan Wignall, Oxford Times

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