Física y Lost

por davidgp el 29/01/2009

Some physicists actually liken time to a river, says Kaku, which meanders at different speeds through the universe. «There are two ways to resolve the time-travel paradox,» Kaku explains. «One way is, the river of time [forks] into two rivers, so you change a parallel universe’s path, not your own path.» This theory, which asserts that our universe may be just one of an infinite number of universes, is known as the Multiverse Theory, and it’s what Kaku personally believes. The creators of Lost, however, have taken a different approach, one pushed by some Russian physicists, according to Kaku. «They have whirlpools in the river of time, so you leave the timeline and go back into the past,» Kaku says. «They believe that when you go back on a different path, there’s some kind of physical principle preventing you from changing the past to make the future impossible.»

Popular Mechanics – Lost Season Five Premiere: 2 Hours of Time Travel, Wormholes and Exotic Matter.

Gracias a Edu.

{ 2 comentarios… read them below or add one }

Sergio 29/01/2009 a las 10:12 pm

Ese mismo principio, la paradoja de predestinación, es la base de la peli Los Cronocrímenes, que pese a su «toque cutre» me pareció una peli muy interesante, sobre todo por lo poco originales que suelen ser las pelis en este país 😉

Viendo los nuevos capítulso de Lost me acordé bastante de esa película.

Un saludo David!

David García Pérez 30/01/2009 a las 1:37 am

Apuntaré el título, por si algún día me encuentro con ella 😉

Saludos Sergio

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