Libros que me han prestado: The Perfect Thing por Steven Levy

por davidgp el 05/05/2007

Ayer un amigo Pedro me ha prestado The Perfect Thing por Steven Levy. El libro habla de como el iPod se ha convertido en un icono de nuestra cultura actual. En la contraportada dicen que el icono del siglo XXI, aunque ese me parece un poco exagerado, si tal, uno de los iconos más importantes de esta época.

The Perfect Thing

De la contraportada

In a few short years a collection of microchips in a little white plastic case the size of a cigarette packet has become not just the most desirable product in the world, but also a cultural icon that actually defines our current age. A unifying symbol of the way advancing technologies are revolutionising our everyday lives. This is the biography of that object.

The Perfect Thing is the sotry of the genesis of Apple’s revolutionary iPod and its phenomenal rise. Steven Levy traces the roots of the download phenomenon with Napster and, the seismic shockwaves sent through the music industry around the globe by the burgeoning popularity of internet file-sharing and downloads, to the creation of the iPod and the setting up of iTunes and how it galvanised the Apple empire.

He explores the wider cultural effects of the iPod: a statement of personal fashion; a point of contact with other users swapping tips and playlists; a tool that has changed the way artists make music in the first place; a multi-billion dollar brand where accessories range from replacement ‘white bud’ earphones to a full steering wheel iPod set-up for a BMW.

Steven Levy has had unlimited access to very core of Apple as a journalist for over 20 years and was often there as these things happened with Apple CEO Steve Jobs and British designer Jonny Ive -the visionaries who created and sold the iPod to the world. So, for the first time, here’s the inside story of how one little object is conquering and redefining the world.


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