Ventas de los cómics de Serenity

por davidgp el 25/11/2005

En Comicon analizan las ventas de diversos cómics en Estados Unidos, aquí tenéis las geniales ventas de los cómics de Serenity

SERENITY (Dark Horse)

07/2005: Serenity #1 (of 3) — 38,502 — [91,594]

08/2005: Serenity #2 (of 3) — 47,095 (+22.3%) — [57,290]

09/2005: Serenity #3 (of 3) — 52,312 (+11.1%) — [57,189]

All three issues of SERENITY kept picking up massive re-orders in October. Issue #1 made the chart again at No. 198, selling an additional 5,997 copies. Issue #2 came in at No. 166 with 10,195 copies. Issue #3, finally, sold an additional 4,877 copies and landed at No. 210.

Obviously, there is a huge demand for Joss Whedon comics. Looking at these numbers, it’s not surprising that more Whedon material is in the works at Dark Horse.

Vía: WHEDONesque.


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