¿Buffyverse directo al dvd?

por davidgp el 28/10/2005

Marti Noxon, productora ejecutiva en el canal de televisión americano UPN de Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Buffy Cazavampiros), en una entrevista a Sci Fi Wire ha confirmado que existen negociaciones de traer los personajes del buffyverse en películas que se sacarían directamente a la venta en DVD.

«There are serious discussions going on about bringing some of the characters back and making a few movies that will go straight to DVD, but they will certainly be the quality they have always been,» Noxon said in an interview. Continued fan interest in a big-budget Buffy film has led creator Joss Whedon to consider a series of movies that would focus on some of the secondary characters, she added.

«Joss is the king of jumping mediums, so it is an obvious step for him to do this,» Noxon said.

Al final de la noticia, Marti Noxon confiesa que no tiene ninguna relación con estos posibles proyectos.

Vía: WHEDONesque y Sci Fi Wire.


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