Arte japonés sobre Star Trek

por davidgp el 03/07/2005

Un tal David Bull ha publicado unas cuantas imágenes de ilustraciones sobre la serie clásica de Star Trek que se publicaron en libros y revistas de Japón las cuales estaban dibujadas por el ilustrador japonés: Toru Kanamori.

Ilustración de Star Trek

Introducing Mr. Toru Kanamori

Now in semi-retirement in his home in Ome, a suburban area of Tokyo, Toru Kanamori was – at the height of his career – one of Tokyo’s most in-demand illustrators. Magazine stories, book covers, children’s books, novels … you name it, he was on call to illustrate it.

The public at large is not familiar with his name, but anybody who grew up during the years that his illustrations filled children’s encyclopedias is certainly familiar with his work, as is any fan of the massively bestselling author Nishimura Juko, more than 100 of whose novels were ‘covered’ by Kanamori-sensei.

When the Star Trek boom first swept across Japan, and publishers scrambled to bring out translated editions of the books based on the TV shows, he was an obvious choice to do the illustration work.

Vía: Boing Boing.


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