Libro que me han prestado: Genome, The Autobigraphy of a Species in 23 Chapters por Matt Ridley

por davidgp el 05/05/2008

El año pasado comencé a leer libros sobre biología centrados en genética, especialmente en explicar el origen de la especie humana. Este tema biológico que en un principio no me parecía tan interesante me enganchó del todo. Ahora llega el momento de añadir conocimientos más generales sobre el tema.

Genome por Matt Ridley

De la contraportada

‘There are surely few subjects as gripping as the recipe for human nature itself, and a better guide than Ridley would be hard to imagine. Conclusion: read the book’ Spectator.

By picking one newly discovered gene form each of the 23 pairs of human chromosomes, and telling its story, Matt Ridley recounts the history of our species and its ancestors from the dawn of life to the brink of future medicine.

Scientist are working at unravelling the human genome at such speed that in the early years of this century the entire DNA of a human being will be available on CD-ROM. This will set in motion a scientific revolution as profound as the discovery that the earth goes rount the sun.

‘What better way to tell the story of what it means to be human than through the story of these 23 pairs of tiny molecules? It’s brilliant idea and, as with all of Ridley’s books, it is wonderfully executed.’ Evening Standard.

‘Genome is a tour de force: clear, witty, timely and informed by an intelligence that sees new knowledge as a blessing and not a curse. It is also creaking read.’ Nigel Hawkes. The Times

‘Brilliant’ Steve Jones. Daily Telegraph

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