Zippo de Serenity y maqueta de adorno

por davidgp el 16/01/2006

Dark Horse va a producir un mechero tipo zippo de Serenity y una maqueta de la nave de adorno


On sale March 29, Logo Zippo® lighter, $29.99 On sale April 12, 6″ long x 3 1/2″ wide, full color ornament, $19.99

Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, made his big-screen writing/directing debut with this sci-fi epic, continuing the story begun in his fan-favorite TV series, Firefly. Fans of the cult-hit TV series and the major motion picture, now available on DVD, will love this Zippo® lighter, featuring the logo of the rogue ship, Serenity and an ornament featuring the ship itself.

Aquí tenéis una captura de ambos, la maqueta me encanta

Mechero Zippo de SerenityMaqueta de adorno de la nave Serenity

Vía: WHEDONesque


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