Crítica de Joss Whedon a los dvds de Veronica Mars

por davidgp el 10/10/2005

Cuando escuché por primera vez el concepto de serie de Veronica Mars no me interesó mucho, una joven adolescente que investigaba crímenes mientras asistía al instituto, después de ver como la pone la crítica creo que le tengo que echar un vistazo, sino, mirar que dice Joss Whedon de ella:

«On the surface, VM is a simple Nancy Drew update: High School Girl Solves Mysteries. It’s impressive how well it works as just that, because week to week, nothing is harder to pull off than a genuine whodunit, and no show does it better than VM.»

«…At the center of it all is Veronica herself. [Kristen] Bell is most remarkable not for what she brings (warmth, intelligence, and big funny) but for what she leaves out. For all the pathos of her arc, she never begs for our affection. There is a distance to her, a hole in the center of Veronica’s persona. Bell constantly conveys it without even seeming to be aware of it. It’s a star turn with zero pyrotechnics, and apart from the occasionally awkward voice-over, it’s a teeny bit flawless.»

«…Season 1 works as mystery, comedy, and romantic drama, often simultaneously. But what elevates it is that in a TV-scape creepily obsessed with crime-solving, VM actually asks why. It knows we need our dose of solution as a panacea against the uncontrollable chaos of life’s real mysteries. And it shows, feelingly, that having the answers is never enough.»

Vía: The Great Link.


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