Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959)

por davidgp el 17/07/2005

En acaban de poner disponible bajo licencia Creative Commons la película: Plan 9 From Outer Space, usualmente denominada como la peor película de toda la historia. Si os la queréis bajar: enlace.

Often billed as the worst movie ever made, and not entirely undeserving of the title, this is a masterpiece of Ed Wood’s making. Bela Lugosi was cast in the role of «Ghoul Man» but passed away before filming really started. So what happens? The producer’s wife’s chiropractor (Mr. Reynold’s was the executive producer) takes over as «Ghoul Man» and holds his cape in front of his face THE ENTIRE MOVIE. Add to this numerous plot inconsistencies, horrid acting, and masses of stock footage – some of which we see several times and you have a terrible but funny movie.

No sé si será por la novedad, pero la página web que contiene la película va bastante lenta, por lo menos para mí, así que a lo mejor tenéis que tener un poco de paciencia.

Vía: Boing Boing.


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