Como destruir la tierra…

por davidgp el 21/03/2005

Al ser humano siempre le ha gustado tanto destruir cosas como hacerlas, así que mejor que destruir nuestro propio planeta, y eso es lo que han pensado los de Sam’s Archive donde tienen una gran multitud de métodos de como destruir la tierra, y una clasificación de lo que es más factible, por ejemplo:

Destroyed by vacuum energy detonation

You will need: a light bulb

Method: This is a fun one. Contemporary scientific theories tell us that what we may see as vacuum is only vacuum on average, and actually thriving with vast amounts of particles and antiparticles constantly appearing and then annihilating each other. It also suggests that the volume of space enclosed by a light bulb contains enough vacuum energy to boil every ocean in the world. Therefore, vacuum energy could prove to be the most abundant energy source of any kind. Which is where you come in. All you need to do is figure out how to extract this energy and harness it in some kind of power plant – this can easily be done without arousing too much suspicion – then surreptitiously allow the reaction to run out of control. The resulting release of energy would easily be enough to annihilate all of planet Earth and probably the Sun too.

También exploran métodos que no funcionarían:

Armageddon, as described in the Bible. Armageddon does not destroy the Earth, nor even everyone on it. One third of the human population is wiped out repeatedly (at least one third and then another third of what’s left) but then not only does the remnant survive, but God’s people return from heaven and get to live in a city roughly the size of half the United States. This is as far from our definition of destroying the Earth as you can reasonably get, as the planet is still there AND people still live on it.

Y por supuesto, también presentan planes de reserva:

Swallowed up as the Sun enters red giant stage

You will need: patience

Method: Simply wait for roughly 5,000,000,000 years. During its natural progress along the Main Sequence, the Sun will exhaust its initial reserves of hydrogen fuel and expand into a red giant star – swallowing up Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars in the process.

Más información sobre el teman: How to destroy the Earth.

Vía: Microsiervos.


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