Y lo que me cayó por reyes…

por davidgp el 06/01/2010

Los reyes pasaron hoy, y a parte de la típica ropa por parte de la familia que me cayó, voy a destacar otros dos regalos que me hicieron especialmente ilusión. Empezamos por un libro de fotografía sobre la técnica creada por el mítico Ansel Adams, sí, bien sé que es una técnica fotográfica para cámaras de película, y no digitales como las que yo estoy jugando, pero conocer la historia de este medio no viene nunca nada mal.

De la contraportada:

Arguably the best book yet written for those wishing to pursue photography seriously, Basic Techniques of Photography, Book I has been completely revised and updated in order to keep pace with fast-moving technological advances in the field. The revised edition includes more than fifty new illustrations, offering still greater clarity in presenting Ansel Adam’s legendary approach to photography.

Since its publication in 1992, The Ansel Adams Guide: Basic Techniques of Photography, Book I has sold more than 100,000 copies and is used in many introductory photography courses. This revised edition offers new information on:

  • varaible-constrast papers
  • digital cameras and view cameras
  • the Advanced Photo System

Book I is organized to present the principles of black-and-white color photography to a broad range of photographers-from the serious beginner to the advanced amateur. It draws extensively on the philosophy and techniques of Ansel Adams, the best-known writer/teacher of photography of all time, and is profusely illustrated with Adams’ own work as well as that of other photographers. Adams’ technical writings were famously difficult to understand. However, in Book I, John Schaefer skillfully interprets Adams’ words, theories, and art as a foundation for a more clearly written, understandable, and actively up-to-date guide to creative photography.

Por otro lado tenemos la cuarta temporada del Doctor Who (cuarta si contamos temporadas desde el año 2005). Esta es mi temporada favorita, tenemos que tener en cuenta que va acompañado por Donna Noble, que sin lugar a dudas ha sido la mejor compañera del Doctor hasta el momento. Aún es una temporada que tengo muy fresca, pero los extras del dvd pueden estar la mar de interesantes.

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