Regalo: Rebel, Rebel: The Protestor's Handbook por Bibi Van Der Zee

por davidgp el 06/03/2009

Image of Rebel, RebelMi cumple está a la vuelta de la esquina. El amigo que me regala esto siempre me dice que estoy protestando y quejándome por todo, no sé si es muy consciente que me acaba de regalar un libro que te explica como hacer que tus protestas sean efectivas. Aunque bueno, tanto él como yo tenemos claro que lo mio es quejarse por vicio, quejarme por quejarme, aunque no tenga razón.


When it comes to changing the world for the better, statistics show the vote is seen as overrated. Whilst fewer and fewer of us are turning out to vote, others are exercising both opinions and vocal chords through the timeless method of campaigning. This resurgence in individual movements and campaigns has never been more effective – or crucial – than it is today.

Rebel Rebel is a timely handbook packed with detailed advice on everything from how to join or start a campaign and raise funds, to how to reach the world’s most influential people. Be the concern nuisance neighbours, airport expansion, or world debt and climate change; and with solutions ranging from selling raffle tickets to organising a full-on march, this fact-packed and inspirational manual will guide you through all the tricks of the trade, various ‘do’s and ‘don’t’s’, and any legal pitfalls you may encounter.

Containing interviews with seasoned campaigners and groups, it is a revelation into what makes a truly successful and effective campaign.

Pues eso, ¡muchas gracias!

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