El nacimiento de la serie N de Nokia

por davidgp el 02/02/2008

Mobile Entertaiment publicó una entrevista a Anssi Vanjoki, vicepresidente ejecutivo de la parte multimedia de Nokia, donde se menciona el nacimiento de la serie N de Nokia

And when did the concept of the Nseries first take root?

In 2001, with the launch of the 7650. This was probably the first genuine smartphone, and it set us thinking about a separate brand for what we came to know as multimedia computers. That was, of course, the Nseries, which we launched in 2005.

Nseries has been very successful…

Yes, we’ve shipped 50 million in around two and a half years and every month we set a new record for sales. It’s tangible evidence that this is what the market wants.

La entrevista después de centra en los nuevos servicios de Nokia tanto en juegos o música y por supuesto, le preguntan que le parece el iPhone.

Vía: All About Symbian

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