Regalos recibidos: China Shakes the World y Doctor Who Genesis of the Daleks

por davidgp el 13/03/2007

Me acaban de llegar los dos regalos que me faltaban, vienen en esta ocasión de manos de Pedro. Me envía un libro y un dvd. Por un lado tenemos China Shakes The World, The Rise of a Hungry Nation, escrito por James Hynge. Al igual que muchos otros libros, que compre o me regalaron últimamente, oí hablar de este a través del podcast Tech Nation. De la contraportada del mismo

Image of China Shakes the World It has all happened so suddenly. Only a few years ago Chine loomed, for most of us, as a large but far-off presence. Now it affects almost everything. The competition for our jobs, the prospects for our economies, the things we buy, the vanishing Amazon rainforest, the price of oil, the balance of global power and many of the other trends that are remaking our world are, in some way, made in China.

This book elucidates China’s rise from the inside out. It describes the people and the places behind the transformation of the world’s most populous nation and shows how the emergence of an outsized appetite is convulsing the world. China Shakes the World recognises the manifold strengths of an industrializing power, but it also shows that not all Chinese graphs point upward. In fact, many of the influences felt in Europe and America are the manifestations of profound weaknesses.

Ultimately, though, the question raised by China’s ascent comes down to compatibility. Can the West accommodate a country that is in its character and convictions very different from the world created under Pax Americana since the end of World War Two?

Como segundo regalo vino un dvd con una serie de capítulos del cuarto Doctor Who, Tom Baker. Es la saga titulada Genesis of the Daleks, la cual explica el nacimiento del archienemigo del Doctor Who. Este capítulo en concreto ya lo he comentado en este blog en el post: Doctor Who: The Genesis of the Daleks.

Regalos de Cumpleaños

De la contraportada

The Doctor’s own people -The Time Lords- have foreseen a time in which the Daleks dominate all other lifeforms in the universe. So disturbing is this possibility, that they break their own Laws of Time in an attempt to change the future. And who better to send on this quest than their own renegade number -The Doctor.

Unwillingly tranported into the fields and trenches of a battle-exhausted Skaro, the Doctor must face his most dangerous mission ever -to prevent the Daleks from ever being created.

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