Donación de 3 millones de dólares…

por davidgp el 02/03/2005

Hace unos días hablaba en este blog de que los fans de Star Trek Enterprise estaban pensando recaudar dinero para poder pagar ellos mismos una temporada de la serie cancelada. Pues bueno, acaban de recibir una importante suma de dinero, 3 millones de dólares para la campaña. La donación viene de un donante anónimo, lo único que se sabe de el es que es un inversor en la industria aeroespacial privada, este es el mensaje que adjunto junto con la donación:

We think STAR TREK and especially its latest incarnation, ENTERPRISE is the kind of TV that should be aired more often. The people responsible at Paramount think this is just a show and we want to tell them, it is not. We are in the commercial space flight industry and would like to testify that at least one out of two of all the actual entrepreneurs involved in this industry has been inspired by STAR TREK; and we are not only good at watching TV sci-fi, we are also good at writing checks, big checks. The people airing this kind of TV have a responsibility; inspiration. STAR TREK has inspired us, and particularly ENTERPRISE, with its superb theme song that tells so much about our struggle to move space travel forward and closer to the public, this inspiration is so self evident, that Virgin Galactic has ordered a 5-sub orbital ship fleet from Scaled Composites, a 100 million dollar investment, and the first one being built is going to be christened ‘VSS Enterprise.’ Now doesn’t that ring a bell in Paramount’s ears? Now, canceling the series so bluntly, for the sake of just ratings, tells very much about the kind of thinking going on inside Paramount. If we thought the same way, Paul Allen would have never funded the SpaceShipOne program. Sir Richard Branson would never have funded Virgin Galactic and Space Adventures would never have put two space tourists aboard the International Space Station. Instead, we would all be at home watching Survivor or some other reality TV show. Enterprise needs to be renewed, for the sake of fan loyalty, for being quality TV, for bringing imagination and hope for a better future to our homes, but over all that, for inspiring us so strongly that we have fought all our adult lives to bring that future closer to our children and to us.

Supongo que la mención de Virgin Galactic no es casual en la nota… teniendo en cuenta que la Virgin es la dueña de la Paramount y en consecuencia de Star Trek. Bueno, los chicos de Trek United ya están más cerca de su objetivo de recaudar 30 millones de dólares.

Vía: TrekWeb.


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