Google en 60 minutos…

por davidgp el 05/01/2005

Me acabo de encontrar con este medio reportaje y media entrevista de a los responsables de Google, en el se comenta varias cosas de como funciona y se creo la compañía, me llamaron la atención los siguientes parrafos. El primero sobre el lugar de trabajo:

A lot of Google workers still look like disheveled students. Inside, the Googleplex feels more like a college dorm than a corporate office, with bikes in the hallways, dogs under the desks. And there’s a strong spirit of play; besides all the ping-pong, there’s a volleyball game every day at noon.

Brin explains, «This is really where we spend, you know, the overwhelming majority of our time. And so in order to have a good lifestyle, we had to have a good lifestyle at work. Which meant that, you know, you do have lots of sports and things. We have our ski trip.»

Sobre como contratan a la gente:

For example, Google is hiring about 25 new people every week, and receives more than 1,000 resumes a day. But they’re determined to stick to their rigorous screening process.

Google uses aptitude tests, which it has even placed in technical magazines, hoping some really big brains would tackle the hardest problems. Score well on the test, and you might get a job interview. And then another and another. One recent hire had 14 interviews before getting the job – and that was in the public relations department.

O sobre como mantienen a la gente en su lugar de trabajo:

At the Googleplex, it looks as though every day’s a party. They have a fantastic cafeteria, where the food – Chinese, Mexican, deli food, Kosher food, any kind of food – is all free. Battelle notes, «The company makes money by having that free lunch, because people stay on campus, they don’t go out, they don’t waste time. They often get the food and go back to their desk.»

Vía: Slashdot.


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